Old drills

Old drills

In 1975 , Francisco Ponsico is started in the world of aluminum joinery combining industrial maintenance work Claved SA and collaboration with some friends of the construction sector.

In 1983 , Francisco began his entrepreneurial adventure alongside his brother Joseph Cangueiro and indispensable collaboration of his wife Teresa Canguerio, settling in an “informal” in a local street Industria Navas district of Barcelona.

In 1984 , Francisco officially founded with his friend José Cañas a small aluminum frames in the same neighborhood of Navas de Barcelona, ​​at the confluence of the streets Felipe II and Palencia , under the name of RUSERLI , in tribute to his then only children (Ruben, Sergio and Lydia).

In 1986 , José Cañas out of business, then associated with Francisco Jose Fernandez, the headquarters moved to Meridiana Avenue in the same neighborhood and renamed the company adopting which is the current name of Aluminium Windows Ponsico .

In 1987 the seat moves to the street Murcia 29 in the same neighborhood, where we find the exposure and current office.

In 1988 , for personal reasons Jose Fernandez leaves the company and Teresa Canguerio joins the company officially, as a partner, combining the support of their three children ( 2, 8 and 10 years) with management tasks, administration, accounting and customer service.

During 90 the company looks its maximum splendor , reaching up to 8 people employed, based on the craftsmanship and teamwork, customer experience and renouncing particularly large buildings (which are a major risk despite high net profit) or advertising campaigns beyond the “buzz” among our family and clients.

During the first decade of the XXI century , coinciding with the introduction of full-time Ruben Ponsico (eldest son of Francis and Teresa), the machining workshop moves to local Street Murcia 33 , extending both machinability and warehouse stocks as the square footage of exposure (in Murcia 29), allowing us to offer better customer service and more competitive prices.

In this first half of the decade of the years 10 , conditioned by the economic crisis Ponsico Aluminium Windows decides to jump ahead and join the new technologies creating this page website , facebook accounts , twitter and LinkedIn , with intent to meet new customers and provide better care ( presenting our products and services) and incorporating the latest technological advances in the sector, such as new materials (of thermal, acoustic and light) or automatic (motors, light and wind sensors, remote controls …).